Weather App with live 3d Earth and weather information around the globe.
- Develop Skeleton of world and dashboard ✅
- Implement API and search info ✅
- Map coordinates to 3D Sphere ✅
- Axis and light mapping ✅
- Camera Animation ✅
- Search Utility (Trie) and Design ✅
- Dashboard Designing ✅
- Dashboard Functions and Utilities ✅
- Dashboard Finishing ✅
- Mobile View ✅
- Loading and Landing Screen ✅
- Final Product Release! ✅
- Bug Fixes ✅
- Search the weather of any city, state or country using the search bar in top.
- Click the search icon/press enter/select the name of the place from the dropdown list.
- Analyze weather statistics through the informative dashboard and the visual representation of the particular place on the 3D Earth.
This project is built with:
- React.js
- react-three-fiber
- Web BrowserChrome/FireFox/Edge/Safari
- SourceGitHub link
- LiveSearch weather